Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lite Bites: Lima Beet Salad

You're either a lima bean person or not.  If not, I would suggest using edamame or even green beans.  The texture contrast and the flavors here are a perfect combo on sweet and savory.  I scored some ultra ripe golden and candy cane striped Chioggia beets at a farmer's market last weekend. The colors speak for themselves.  If you can't find goldens or Chioggias, red beets work just as well. 

Chioggia and Golden Beets wtih Limas
For amounts, it really depends on how much you want.  2-3 small or 1-2 large beets per person is probably a good rule.  I went, roughly,  2 to 1 on the beet to lima proportion. 

Bunches of beets
Extra Virgin Olive oil
Lemon juice
Red wine vinegar

Cooking the beets:

1. Roast or boil?  Do whatever you want.  If you roast, wrap in foil and cook for about 35-40 minutes in a 400 degree oven.  Or, boil on stove top for about 25-30 min.  They are done when easily pierced with a knife.
2. Let cool, then easily remove peel by rubbing it off.  Use a kitchen towel or food handler's gloves if you want to avoid getting your hands colorful.
3. Slice or chop beets and set aside.

1. If using dried, cook according to package.  I never soak beans overnight. Just bring them up to a boil and cook for about 30 minutes until tender.  Cooking times may vary.
2. If using frozen, just defrost and drain before adding to beets.

Combine beets and limas.  Add oil, lemon, vinegar and salt to taste.

Mince some red onion and chives to garnish and this is a perfect little salad.  


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